Data Management Made
Easier than Ever
One connected workspace where better, faster work happens.
Get Started
Search research data by various categories
Labnote supports various types of data searches.Find the data you want quickly and accurately by using search queries in different categories, from materials, processes, and equipment to even the results of your research. You can easily find out which experiments a specific sample or process was used for.
Coming Soon
Visualize and analyze
your research data
As data accumulates, Labnote not only helps you make sense of it all with insightful graphs, protocol comparisons, and visualized flows, but also offers a glimpse into the future. Through the power of machine learning, anticipate experimental outcomes with partial automation.
Coming Soon
Compare and track your research activities
Labnote empowers you to efficiently keep track of your organization's research activity. With its intuitive dashboard, you can easily compare materials usage across different Labnotes, streamline experimental processes, and monitor the progress of your research projects.
Enterprise Only
Complete data & privacy protection
LabNote’s AWS Cloud-based server provides complete data & privacy protection for your research. It is built on government requirements such as HIPAA and provides restrictions on specific IPs and concurrent access.